A curious coincidence

Yesterday saw another of those curious coincidences which brighten up our lives from time to time.

Maybe the compiler of the yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald Cryptic Crossword had been in collusion with Carlos.  I doubt it, and suspect that what happened was simply a happy coincidence.

The clue for 13 Down had me stumped for a while.  “Place oboe part aurally, and play for the first time,” it read.  Only the appearance of a few letters from answers to other clues enabled me to figure out the answer.  A place is a site, and an oboe part is a reed.  Site followed by reed, which sounds like………

………sight read.

And that is exactly what we did last night to this beautiful piece by Gustav Holst, Christmas Day.  Overall, we sight read it pretty well, thanks to Carlos’ patient coaxing, and Jim’s skillful reading of the accompaniment.

It’s a lovely piece.  The carols blend together so well that you do not realise what is happening.  They merge seamlessly and effortlessly from peaceful moments to strong climaxes and back.  The final few bars were described so aptly by Pam when she said that it was like the carollers disappearing into the distance, still singing.

It is strange to think that Holst is really only known for The Planets.  If this piece is anything to go by, there must be many other delightful pieces by him which are worthy of being in the regular repertoire.