Choir Membership

Manly Warringah Choir is a community choir.   Prospective members are invited to sing with the Choir for a trial period of two to three weeks.  There are no auditions, but you will be expected to be able to follow music and to be able to sing a given note in tune.  On conclusion of the trial period, the prospective member may, after discussion with the appropriate Voice Representative, apply to join the Choir as a full Member.

As at August 2024 there are vacancies in all voices.

There are no formal auditions.  However, in order to maintain the Choir’s high standard of performance, we expect members to be able to follow a musical score and to be able to tune in to and hold the pitch of a note given by the conductor.

Concerts for 2024  will be held on Sunday afternoons, May 19th, August 25th and December 8th, in the Waterford Hall in the grounds of St Paul’s Catholic College, Darley Road, Manly.  This is a spacious, modern facility with on-site car parking and extensive views over Sydney Harbour.

Rehearsals are held each Thursday evening at Collaroy Plateau Public School from 7.30pm to 9.45pm.  Members are expected to attend a minimum of two-thirds of rehearsals before each concert, in order to maintain the Choir’s high standard of performance.  Members who find themselves unable to attend a rehearsal, please let your Voice Representative or the Secretary know in advance.  A member who finds themselves unable to meet this requirement for a particular concert should in the first instance discuss their situation with their Voice Representative.

Members will be asked by the Musical Director from time to time to study sections of the music between rehearsals.  There are free study aids on the internet, such as Chordperfect and Cyberbass.  CD’s of individual voice parts may also be available.

The Annual Membership Fee, payable in February each year, is $90.00, and for Pensioners (but not Seniors) $70.00.

Rehearsal costs are covered by a Weekly Fee of $10.00. Please note that members are asked to pay this fee for all rehearsals, whether or not they attend, as the same costs (professional fees, room hire etc) are incurred irrespective of numbers present.

The system for paying fees has been simplified for 2024.  Please go to the TryBooking website where you can pay both Membership and Rehearsal Fees.  Click here for the link.  Please contact Margaret Stanley or Michael Wille if you have any problem with the TryBooking system.

On joining the Choir, a member pays a Music Bond of $30.00, covering possible loss of or damage to hired music.  The Bond is refunded when the member leaves the Choir.

Voice Representatives for 2024 are:

  • Pam Lewis (Sopranos)
  • Judy Williams (Altos)
  • Joe Micali (Tenors)
  • Richard Griffiths (Basses)

And finally……..

We sincerely hope that you gain considerable enjoyment and satisfaction from singing with the Manly Warringah Choir.  If you have any queries or concerns, then please do not hesitate to speak to your Voice Representative or a member of the Committee.

Similarly, if you have suggestions for future programmes, or for ways of improving the Choir’s organisation, then please do say something, either to your Voice Representative or to any member of the Committee.