Reaching for the Stars

Last Saturday’s concert was a great success.  We have received many positive comments from audience members, one of whom, who heard us for the first time on Saturday, has already booked tickets for our next concert!

No doubt we all have different memories of such an event.  For this writer, it started with Carolina’s masterful yet sensitive playing in the Cant de les Estrelles.  Then the combined orchestral and piano playing in the Nights in the Gardens of Spain proved powerful and convincing.  As for the Haydn Mass, we in the Choir seemed to have mastered the dynamics, and the soloists sounded wonderful, both individually and particularly when singing together.

To add to this, the concert was a sell-out.  Not only does that help the finances, but it’s also much better singing to a full house.

Many thanks to everyone who had a part in making another MWC Concert truly memorable.