Magic Musical Mozaika!

It’s not often something delivers exactly to its promise in this day and age.  But that is exactly what the Australian Violin Ensemble, led by MWC’s Concert master, Alexandra Loukianova, do in the concerts of their inaugural tour.   Anne and I went with two friends to hear the concert at Parramatta on Saturday, and we are very glad we did – even the one member of our party who wasn’t too sure about a whole concert of violin music.

The programme comprised a delightful mixture of serious and lighter-hearted pieces which, combined with simple but effective staging, kept the audience amused, involved and appreciative from beginning to end.

There are three things which for me are memorable about this concert.  Firstly the sheer energy, bravura and co-ordination of many of the pieces, but particularly of the last two items – dances from South America – which seemed to sum up the style and complexity of which this ensemble is truly capable.

Secondly, the wonderfully supportive accompaniment of Paddy Ge, prominent where needed, and in the background where needed.  (Do you remember her stunning playing of the Balakirev Islamay in the MWC concert at Loquat valley a few years ago?)

Thirdly, the fact that eight violins playing in unison sound completely different from a solo violin.  The sound wraps itself around you, enveloping you in its soft folds, caressing you gently until a moment of pure seduction.

Now if you think that last bit rather fanciful, a trait for which I admit I am known, there is only one thing to do.  Go to the concert at Cardinal Cerretti Chapel on Sunday next, where, from the very first item, Gounod’s adaptation of Bach’s Ave Maria, you will be able to make the judgement for yourself.

Manly Concert: Sunday 3rd  July 2011 at 3.00 pm.
at Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, Manly

The Manly concert is to be hosted by Damien Beaumont from ABC Classic FM

Ticket Sales:  Naomi  9953 2443 and also
Adult $42; Concession $37;  Student $35;  Child under 16 $30
Ticket price includes brochure/program